Diversification of our ser vices and increased ac cess to
content for the benefit of both rightshold ers and content
users are key strategic prior ities for Screenrig hts.
In this context, we are particul arly pleased to repor t
significant growth in our disbu rsements administr ation
service, with $2.1 million colle cted during the year.
Although still accounting for a rela tively small
proportion of total funds coll ected, Disbursement s
by Screenrights has seen exp onential growth since
it began in 2013/14. Its success refle cts the trust the
industry places in us, and re cognition of our experti se
in managing rights and royalt y flows. Building on
our strengths in this way to offer new se rvices to the
industry helps ensure our on going contribution to
the ecosystem that sustains conte nt production in
Australia, New Zealand and ar ound the world.
Overall the amount collecte d and available for
distribution to our members thr ough our licences and
royalty collection se rvices totalled $ 42.1 million in
2017/18, up 5% on last year.
This growth is obviously be neficial for members. At the
same time, however, we are committed to ensu ring that
licensees continue to find value in the li cence fees they
pay for members’ content.
Our investment in EnhanceTV is one exam ple of that
commitment, providing teach ers with resources and
streaming access to a huge range of conte nt through
our educational licences acro ss the primary, seconda ry
and tertiary sector s.
Also with an eye on maintaining a heal thy content
ecosystem, the launch of our Cultur al Fund in April 2018
saw Screenrights join coll ecting societies aroun d the
world in allocating a percentag e of revenues collected
to supporting initiatives th at contribute to industry
Jill Bryant Chair
development. Up to 1% of our distributable in come
annually will be set aside for Screen rights’ Cultural
Fund, with a specific focus each year. We see this as an
investment in the future on behalf of bot h members and
licensees. The inaugura l funding round, focusing on the
education sector, will be delivere d in 2018/19 and we will
monitor its effectivene ss closely to ensure it is meeting
its objectives.
The litigation initiated by the Aust ralian Writers’ Guild
and the Australian Writers’ Gui ld Authorship Collec ting
Society was not resolve d during 2017/18 and a court
hearing is now scheduled for Nove mber 2018. We
remain open to finding a resolution in the me antime
and will continue to collect and pay roy alties to our
members in accordance with appl icable contracts and
Australian law, including to wr iters where they own th e
relevant rights and have regi stered their claim.
It’s worth noting that of the more than 6 milli on
recorded uses of program s Screenrights is managi ng,
99.5% of royalty claims are paid wi thout any ongoing
Finally, I want to take the opportunit y to acknowledge
that this is the last annual repor t under the leadership
of Screenrights’ long-ser ving Chief Executiv e, Simon
Lake, who resigned in July 2018 after mor e than 20
years at the helm. As Chair, I have worked wi th Simon
for 10 of those years, and I will miss his genuin e desire
to deliver the very best org anisation that members and
licensees deserve. He le aves with the very be st wishes
of the Board and Management.
Jill Bryant, Chair
27 September 2018