Screenrights offers a range of services for the screen industry, from secondary royalty collection in Australia, New Zealand, and around the world, to disbursements, residuals, advocacy, and our annual Cultural Fund. Find out more about how we can help you below.

Screenrights pays more than $40 million each year to rightsholders in film, TV and radio. We collect and pay educational royalties, government royalties and retransmission royalties from Australia and educational royalties from New Zealand.
You need to be a member to receive royalty payments. Membership is free.

Did you know there are collecting societies around the world that may be holding money for the use of your film and television titles?
The returns can be substantial – but knowing what to register, when and where can be complex and time consuming.
Screenrights offers Worldwide Royalty Collection for film rightsholders to efficiently and cost-effectively collect royalties from across the globe.

You can appoint Screenrights to handle all returns for your screen project to give yourself and your investors peace of mind. Let us do the ongoing admin so that you can get stuck into new projects.
Screenrights offers a range of Film & TV Disbursement and Collection Account Management solutions to cater to different levels of projected sales based on your best market assessment. Talk to us about how we can help you administer returns and provide your investors with quality reporting across the life of your film, TV show or documentary.

Screenrights’ Residuals service helps Australian producers calculate their payment obligations to performers and meet reporting obligations.
We offer residuals monitoring and forecasting, clear reporting tailored to producers, performers and MEAA, and optional payment processing to MEAA or direct to performers (or their agents).
Screenrights can help your staff learn about finance plans, revenue flows, and recoupment schedules, and you can often find us at screen conferences in Australia and New Zealand.
In our Recoupment Webinar Series, Emma Madison and Madeleine Donovan teach you about recoupment, finance plans, money flows and reporting across six one-hour sessions. At your own speed, learn about how to look after investors, what to expect from distributors and sales agents, and your obligations as a producer, with visual case studies and downloadable materials to help.
The Screenrights Cultural Fund makes a difference by supporting people with exciting and innovative new initiatives that foster the creation and appreciation of screen content in Australia and New Zealand.
Up to 1% of Screenrights’ distributable income per annum goes towards funding screen practitioners to deliver projects or initiatives that respond to the year’s focus and aspire to a broad positive contribution to industry development.
We have an active voice in advocating for a vibrant screen industry built upon a strong copyright regime that facilitates access to screen stories in exchange for fair and equitable payment.
You can read our submissions to government enquiries here.
Looking for the perfect space to run story workshops, pre-production meetings or business planning sessions? See if our Sydney meeting rooms are available.
We are pleased to make our meeting rooms available free of charge to the screen industry for story workshops, pre-production meetings and business planning sessions.
Screenrights is a proud sponsor of conferences and events across Australia and New Zealand.
Through our sponsorships, we can support the industry and create awareness about the important role that Screenrights plays. We sponsor events and initiatives that have broad industry engagement across the diverse sectors of the industry, as well as niche events and initiatives that provide unique opportunities to reach out to specific sectors of the industry.
If you are interested in Screenrights sponsoring your event or initiative, please read the Guidelines for Sponsorship to find out more.