Screenrights is a non-profit organisation that:
- Pays secondary royalties to content creators
- Licenses educators, government and retransmitters to use broadcast programs
- Provides rights and royalty management services to the screen industry

Royalty Payments
Screenrights Collecting Society

Worlwide Royalty Collection
Screenrights Royalties (World)

Collection Account Management
Screenrights Disbursements & CAM

Performer Residuals
Screenrights Residuals

Cultural Fund
Cultural Fund

Creative Workshop Spaces
Creative Workshop Spaces
Latest News
Quick Links
Copyright & Royalties
Covid-19 Support
Screen Industry
Screenrights is working hard to get any payments due to you into your hands as soon as possible
Screenrights staff are working hard to pay any secondary royalties due to you as soon as possible, knowing that they may be more important than ever during this period. We are confident that we will be able to maintain a high level of service for all of our members.
Find out more here.
Our Film & TV Disbursements Service will be disbursing funds as soon as practically possible after amounts have been received into the disbursement account. This will mean irregular disbursement periods, and faster payment.
The Screenrights 2020 Cultural Fund remains open for applications until 5pm AEST Wednesday 29 April, and we look forward to supporting the next round of initiatives.
Remote learning is covered in the Screenrights Licence and resource centres
The Screenrights licence covers remote access to educational broadcast content within Australia and NZ. We license resource centres that are all designed to provide off-campus access to screen content and facilitate flipped classrooms.
Access tens of thousands of videos for use in education, with curriculum linked content
Integrate videos into lessons with your preferred LMS platform
Ad-free with no limits on how much content you use
View full programs or create clips and playlists
Access enhanced features such as study guides, quizzes and much more!
If you have any questions or concerns about your Screenrights licence over this period, please drop us a line.
Find out more about each of the resource centres: